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Read about the route and those who care for it.

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The idea of setting up the Forth to Farne Way came from Rev Joanne Evans-Boiten who was minister of Athelstaneford Parish Church linked with Whitekirk from 2009 to 2018. She had been interested in pilgrimage for some time and Whitekirk had been an important centre of pilgrimage in medieval times. She had already, with her neighbouring ministers from St Mary's Haddington and Prestonkirk, revived the previously well established annual pilgrimage "The Rugged Pathway" which took place on the first Saturday of May each year from St Mary's Haddington to St Mary's Whitekirk, attracting approximately 60 pilgrims.

Work began in earnest to start the Forth to Farne Way in 2015. A public meeting was held and a steering group set up. Our aim was to make available a pilgrim walking route to enable those who undertake it to experience the beauty of the world around them, and through this experience not only to improve their physical and mental well being but also to enable spiritual growth. We aimed to introduce people to an area of south eastern Scotland and north eastern England which is historically very important and has strong links to early Christianity. The Celtic saints associated with the route include Baldred, Cuthbert, Aidan and Ebba.

The steering group is linked to the Scottish Pilgrim Routes Forum and has had a great deal of help from that body. We are particularly grateful for the time and expertise brought to the group by the late John Henderson who built our first website and co-authored the guidebook and to Nick Cooke who has introduced new ideas, links to other pilgrim routes and participated in many meetings. The present steering group consists of a number of individuals who are interested in walking, nature and spirituality and they are based in different parts of the route.

Members of the steering group compiled a booklet entitled A Pilgrimage in Words and Pictures. This booklet was printed thanks to a generous donation from Coldingham Bookshop and Coldingham Gala Committee. This is intended as a companion to the route which encourages reflections on life's journey. It is available here.

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The Forth to Farne Way was formally launched on Sunday 15th October 2017 at St Mary's Church, Whitekirk by Lord Wilson of Tillyorn, Patron of the Scottish Pilgrim Routes Forum and former Lord High Commissioner of the Church of Scotland. After refreshments and musical entertainment a group of about 20 people walked the section of the Forth to Farne Way from Whitekirk to North Berwick and ended the afternoon at the Coastal Communities Museum.

We are very grateful for the money received from Community Windpower through BeGreen Dunbar which was used to print leaflets, purchase waymarking signs and pay for setting up this website.

From time to time the group offer guided walks along the route or circular walks from the route.

We were delighted to be the first pilgrim route in Scotland to be awarded accreditation (Silver standard)  as a Scottish Pilgrim Way by SPRF in 2021. An award ceremony was held at Coldingham Priory in September 2021 when Rev Dr Sheilagh Kesting presented the certificate. This was followed by a walk to St Abbs Nature Reserve. Visit the SPRF website here

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